And I can post more pictures of Margaret!! :)
Margaret can now sit up by herself for a few minutes. She's passing toys from one hand to the other. She also reaches down to pick up toys that she has dropped. She isn't stacking blocks on top of each other but she is definitely trying to pick up blocks. She was also enjoying playing with the pieces of Max's toy kitchen and has had fun playing with Mr Potato Head with Max.

Meg and Daddy!

Happy 4th of July!

Too cool...

Thanks Renee

Thanks Krista!

Margaret learning to like spending a little time alone in the playpen. At least when it comes with a rattle and a music box!

Margaret after her first bites of real food...

Meggie and Elaine

Braz and Daisy

Braz tries to show Margaret that the pool is fun. Margaret is not a believer. Emma is in the pool. Adin and Henry look on from the safety of the bench.

Margaret in her first VT shirt, from Carol. As you can see, Agatha the Elephant is not far away! :)

Margaret showing off one of Max's outfits -- This Nemo outfit was a gift from Bethany

Margaret enjoying the Intellitainer

And then Max "helping" her play!
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