Tuesday, August 17, 2010

7 month checkup + food

Margaret had her 6 month checkup at 7 months, due to our vacation and the need to space out her shots appropriately.

At 7 months she was:
26 3/4 inches long (55th percentile)
16 pounds, 7 ounces (49th percentile)
and her head was 17 inches (50th percentile)

So she is now a little too tall and a little too skinny to be the ideal baby? :)

We were also told to really ramp up the solid foods. She had not shown a great deal of interest in cereal. When we were in England she had some Ready Brek and that seems to have turned things around. She is now having cereal a couple of times a day, and we are working on other foods. We have just finished 3 days of carrots. My first batch was a bit too thick but once I thinned them down she went for them just fine. Tonight I will make her some sweet potatoes. Then we switch over to apples and pears. And then peas. So she's got some taste sensations coming her way. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow I kinda miss those days b/c the Duo are in the throes of hating veggies where they used to love them.

    Can't wait to see you in Nov, hun!
