Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making Her Former WorkDaddy Proud

Margaret with all that remained of her McGriddle pancakes after the ride to Joanna's. She sits in Max's seat while I get her seat out to take up to Joanna. She's smiling at Wes in this picture. And wearing the crocs she put on all by herself this morning. What a big girl. Also she is wearing her new dress, that she loves, and the bolero too. She insisted on wearing the bolero even tho it was hot, because it goes with the dress. She's a girl who loves her accessories!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

French Fries and Broccoli

Margaret, with her balloon, enjoying her dinner! I think she actually ate more broccoli than french fries. Her little eyes got very big when she realized all the broccoli was for her. Yay for Margaret and her love of broccoli! She was also very excited about her pink balloon!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Margaret working on a birthday card for her Mommy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Little Tesco's Girl

Here's a picture of Margaret in her new t-shirt and skirt from Tesco's. She's such a happy little girl!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Margaret in her new dress

When I gave her the dress on Sunday, she was very excited about the bolero. She was trying to put the bolero on, but got it tangled up. So today when i had her put on the dress and then the bolero she was very excited.

She was sitting in Max's car seat while I was getting the stuff ready to take up to NannyJo. She's not quite ready yet for the big girl car seat. But she enjoys sitting in Max's seat for a few minutes!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stinky Face

Max and Margaret both love to have me read to them at bedtime. We have to negotiate the number of books I will read. Max requests 5. We ususally have Max pick out 2 books and Margaret picks out 1. And she definitely has a favorite! I Love You, Stinky Face is her favorite. Last night she was actually looking around all over the place to find it. She loves that the skunk takes a bubble bath. And yesterday she did too! She laughs and laughs at all the things the little boy says to his Mommy. It's great to see her little face light up.

Friday, June 3, 2011