Friday, April 30, 2010

More Photos!

Margaret was very cooperative last night and let me take a lot of pictures! Yay Margaret!

Here are a few pictures of her being silly in a hat.

And then a little snuggle time with Daddy.

Thanks to Shawn for the pink sweater. It still fits! Yay! And you can tell Margaret is excited about getting to wear such a pretty and soft sweater. :)

Here Margaret looks a little perplexed. Why does Mommy keep making me wear the sweaters she knit for Max?
And here Margaret seems to be REALLY excited about being the model for the poncho for Virgin Crafts!

Max, meanwhile, was determined to get Margaret to take a pacifier!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


These photos were taken last night after dinner. You can't get much fresher than that!

Margaret will be 15 weeks old tomorrow. She has been standing for a few weeks, with us helping her to balance. Last night she was standing on the table, only lightly holding on to my hands. She's learning to balance herself and she really loves to stand up. Mark got a couple of pictures because it was hard to get a good angle that showed her face and showed that she is standing up by herself.
If you look closely you can see that she is very happy about standing and looking at Mommy.

Here it looks like she is looking at my hands as if to ask why I am not holding onto her more tightly.

Happy little baby, holding on to my thumbs. :)


We will start off with a picture of Margaret in an adorable outfit that was a gift from her WorkDaddy. There is also a matching cardigan. She's wearing little shiny mary janes along with some ruffle-butt tights. And I think she knows she is looking cute!

Here are a couple of photos of Margaret in her Bumbo chair. She was really into it last night. Thanks to Jen and Curtis for the duck toy.

Here Margaret is styling in her pink daisy outfit. I got her the little overalls, and Granny got her the adorable little hat!

And here you can see Margaret doing two of her favorite things -- hugging Agatha and sucking her thumb!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Baby!

Here Margaret is showing off to the world. She has FEET! Can you believe it! And her feet are in these pants with the little pink mary janes sewn right on! How awesome is that! She kept staring at her feet and then smiling at me. Thanks to Granny and Grandpa for the outfit!

Margaret tries out the Bumbo seat for the first time. She seemed to really like the idea of being upright and in charge of herself. She isn't quite old enough to sit in it without help, but she did ok for a few minutes with me hovering right next to her. And her legs are more than a little bit skinnier than Max's legs were, so hopefully we will have a longer period of time before she gets stuck in it!

I was trying to get a picture of Max and Margaret together, but Max wasn't really into it. So I ended up with this picture of Margaret leaning up against Max and smiling. She seems to have learned pretty quickly to like having her picture taken. :) And that is very lucky for me!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Auntie Qwagsie

To celebrate my last day of maternity leave, Margaret and Mark and I met Qwagsie for lunch at Ruby Tuesday. I needed some cheese fries. And they were fatty and delicious, as good cheese fries are. Margaret got to meet Qwagsie for the first time. And then on Saturday Qwagsie came to visit and Margaret got to meet her for the second time! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 months!

It has been a long time since I have updated the blog. I am truly sorry. But hopefully now that I have more frequent access to a computer I will be able to keep up with things more often. And I think this photo is cute enough to make up for the lateness of the post!